"Oh, the comfort - the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person - having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are, chaff and grain together; certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then with the breath of kindness blow the rest away."
Conversation is taken for granted, even at its simplest components. Something as simple as a "Hello" is uttered and it is forgotten before the other person has even responded. We speak out of habit. We speak out of necessity. We respond because it is required. We listen because we have to, without ever really hearing a word that is said. We analyze text conversations, emails, and online messages via social networks, but when it comes to face to face interaction we lose the importance.
Few things are more treasured to me in my life than conversations with friends, family, and strangers alike. How amazing to simply interact with another person - to hear and to be heard. We are all so busy with our everyday lives that we cut out the time for adequate conversation. We always have somewhere to be, something to do, someone else to see. Often, the person we should be paying attention to is the one right in front of us. How hard is it to take a moment to really ask someone how they are doing? To take a moment and simply, care.
Some of my greatest memories are snippets of conversations I have had with people. Ones that I play over and over again in my mind. We all need someone. And sometimes, someone needs us when we don't even know it. And all it takes is a conversation - to change someone's life, to make an impact on their day, to show them they're not alone, to recognize the life of another. I don't know where I would be without the people who took the time to listen, to share, to talk. And on the same hand, I know that nothing gives me greater joy than being able to be there for someone else. I love being available for people if ever they need something. Because one conversation can make all the difference.
How often do we pass opportunities by? How often do we push aside our friends and loved ones or a talkative stranger because we're too "busy"? How often have we needed someone to talk to and no one has been there? Or how often has someone been there? How many times do we half-heartedly participate in conversations? How many times have we walked away not knowing what has been said? On the flip side, how many times have we walked away from a conversation refreshed, rejuvenated, and full of joy?
In light of the holiday season I encourage you to invest in conversation. Words are not just arbitrary things. They mean something. Especially coming from someone who cares and someone we care about. I'm grateful for all the people who weren't too busy for me. Some of them made me who I am today. Some of them changed my life.
Whose life can you change? Who has changed yours? Christmas is a time for giving... Maybe just give your time. your voice. your listening ear. : )
December 23, 2010
good tidings to all.
I took a longer break from this than I had anticipated. In summary, my trip to Arizona was AMAZING and since then I have traveled from Arizona back to Colorado and then back home to South Dakota. The last few days have been spent with my family, and it's been great.
But. For starters, I would like to thank Christine [http://thesilverlining122.blogspot.com] for giving me an award! From a relatively new blogging friend, and from what looks to be a relatively new blogger, Christine has amazing words of encouragement and I am blessed to have been given this award through her recent acquaintance. : )

Posts that come from the heart and soul : )
Lauren Nicole Love: Love Like a Child
{ http://laurennicolelove.blogspot.com }
Dwelling in the House
{ http://dwellinginthehouse.blogspot.com }
Relentlessly Real
{ http://relentlesslyreal.blogspot.com }
This Is the Day
{ http://thisisthedaysolive.blogspot.com }
Waiting for Love
{ http://lovelettersfromthepast.blogspot.com }
God Bless You All!
But. For starters, I would like to thank Christine [http://thesilverlining122.blogspot.com] for giving me an award! From a relatively new blogging friend, and from what looks to be a relatively new blogger, Christine has amazing words of encouragement and I am blessed to have been given this award through her recent acquaintance. : )

And then... five facts about me
1. I would much rather stay up late than get up early. Nighttime is prime for good conversation and relaxation. : )
2. I've messed up a lot in my lifetime, and I will do so many more times in my future. But I believe in the Lord Jesus with all my heart, and I know that no matter what He loves me. When the world seems dark, there is always a light.
3. I hate feet. Unless they are covered with socks, 95% of the time feet touching me give me the eebie jeebies.
4. I've experimented with almost every "natural" hair color. I don't know why but I find it fun to change it up from time to time. Currently, I'm a redhead : )
5. I love scrapbooking. I wish I had more time and money to do it more often. It's fun to take your photo memories and personalize them even more.
Now for five more deserving bloggers... I have a really hard time with this because I enjoy reading different blogs for different reasons and different people touch my heart day by day. But, check these ones out.
1. I would much rather stay up late than get up early. Nighttime is prime for good conversation and relaxation. : )
2. I've messed up a lot in my lifetime, and I will do so many more times in my future. But I believe in the Lord Jesus with all my heart, and I know that no matter what He loves me. When the world seems dark, there is always a light.
3. I hate feet. Unless they are covered with socks, 95% of the time feet touching me give me the eebie jeebies.
4. I've experimented with almost every "natural" hair color. I don't know why but I find it fun to change it up from time to time. Currently, I'm a redhead : )
5. I love scrapbooking. I wish I had more time and money to do it more often. It's fun to take your photo memories and personalize them even more.
Now for five more deserving bloggers... I have a really hard time with this because I enjoy reading different blogs for different reasons and different people touch my heart day by day. But, check these ones out.
Lauren Nicole Love: Love Like a Child
{ http://laurennicolelove.blogspot.com }
Dwelling in the House
{ http://dwellinginthehouse.blogspot.com }
Relentlessly Real
{ http://relentlesslyreal.blogspot.com }
This Is the Day
{ http://thisisthedaysolive.blogspot.com }
Waiting for Love
{ http://lovelettersfromthepast.blogspot.com }
God Bless You All!
December 14, 2010
Arizona Bound.

[Off to Arizona to spend time with my favorite boys! See all you bloggers next week : ) ]
December 09, 2010
Get a Little Love.
I've wrapped myself in the arms of boys who never cared - who wanted me for a night, two, a few. I've wrapped myself in the arms of boys who promised me the world and then took it away - boys who I wanted to love but who were never going to love me back. I've wrapped myself up with boys - to belong, to feel love, to feel anything.
Once upon a time, I was the girl who knew she deserved to be treated like a princess. The girl willing to wait. The girl who was secure in herself. I used to be that girl - the innocent, doesn't date, doesn't do anything girl. The prude. The Christian. The "abnormal." I used to not care. I was a hopeless romantic content on dreaming, content on hoping, in no rush to find what everyone else was killing to discover.
There is a place in my past where I prided myself in my innocence. And I vowed I would never give it up. But the world doesn't listen to your plans and you'll discover that "best friends" can turn out to be your worst enemies. Somewhere along the way I stopped believing in the truth. I've been trying to find my way back ever since...
They don't tell you what happens once you allow yourself to fall. They don't tell you how long it takes to get back up. They don't tell you until it's already too late. And then they convince you it's better here, with "them", because now you belong. Now, you're the same.
Since when did conformity become a trend? In a society centered on the individual - prideful and selfish - it seems we're all protecting the same similarities instead of our unique differences. The world has taken control of our fire - they have become the matches that choose when we see. To fall is to play by their rules, to resist is to run blind in a world full of masked faces.
I used to be someone else. I go back to her sometimes. I revisit her in journals and blog entries, in hidden notes, and forgotten photographs. I hear her in the songs on the soundtrack of her "past." I notice her in the joy that has been stolen and in the mistakes she can never take back. I see her in the faces of people she no longer knows. She comes back to me in my dreams and asks me Why - Why didn't she know better? Why did she want it so badly? Who did she want to be?
I used to be someone else. And, if I could back, I wouldn't.
They say your choices define who you are. But your past is simply a stepping stone - not a final stop. The journey doesn't end because you're ashamed. The journey doesn't lose significance in the midst of visions that haunt your dreams. There's a whole new world out there waiting to be discovered. Climb out of the hole and set yourself on fire again.
I want to burn. I want to shine in spite of where I've come from and who I've been. Time and time again. Because, I am who I am and that's enough. At least, for someone.
I've wrapped myself in a love that will never fade - in a promise that will never be broken. I've put my faith in a world that will never end. I've wrapped myself in arms that will never let go. I've surrounded myself with the beauty that finds its' way into my brokenness. All of my life - past, present, and future - is significant here. I've wrapped myself in the presence of King, in the arms of a Father.
For, Jesus made me new again. He lifted me out from the darkness. He showed me to believe in myself again.
Once upon a time, I was the girl who knew she deserved to be treated like a princess. The girl willing to wait. The girl who was secure in herself. I used to be that girl - the innocent, doesn't date, doesn't do anything girl. The prude. The Christian. The "abnormal." I used to not care. I was a hopeless romantic content on dreaming, content on hoping, in no rush to find what everyone else was killing to discover.
There is a place in my past where I prided myself in my innocence. And I vowed I would never give it up. But the world doesn't listen to your plans and you'll discover that "best friends" can turn out to be your worst enemies. Somewhere along the way I stopped believing in the truth. I've been trying to find my way back ever since...
They don't tell you what happens once you allow yourself to fall. They don't tell you how long it takes to get back up. They don't tell you until it's already too late. And then they convince you it's better here, with "them", because now you belong. Now, you're the same.
Since when did conformity become a trend? In a society centered on the individual - prideful and selfish - it seems we're all protecting the same similarities instead of our unique differences. The world has taken control of our fire - they have become the matches that choose when we see. To fall is to play by their rules, to resist is to run blind in a world full of masked faces.
I used to be someone else. I go back to her sometimes. I revisit her in journals and blog entries, in hidden notes, and forgotten photographs. I hear her in the songs on the soundtrack of her "past." I notice her in the joy that has been stolen and in the mistakes she can never take back. I see her in the faces of people she no longer knows. She comes back to me in my dreams and asks me Why - Why didn't she know better? Why did she want it so badly? Who did she want to be?
I used to be someone else. And, if I could back, I wouldn't.
They say your choices define who you are. But your past is simply a stepping stone - not a final stop. The journey doesn't end because you're ashamed. The journey doesn't lose significance in the midst of visions that haunt your dreams. There's a whole new world out there waiting to be discovered. Climb out of the hole and set yourself on fire again.
I want to burn. I want to shine in spite of where I've come from and who I've been. Time and time again. Because, I am who I am and that's enough. At least, for someone.
I've wrapped myself in a love that will never fade - in a promise that will never be broken. I've put my faith in a world that will never end. I've wrapped myself in arms that will never let go. I've surrounded myself with the beauty that finds its' way into my brokenness. All of my life - past, present, and future - is significant here. I've wrapped myself in the presence of King, in the arms of a Father.
For, Jesus made me new again. He lifted me out from the darkness. He showed me to believe in myself again.
December 05, 2010
Faith, NOT Fear.
God rest ye merry, gentlemen
Let nothing you dismay
Remember, Christ, our Saviour
Was born on Christmas day
To save us all from Satan's power
When we were gone astray
O tidings of comfort and joy,
Comfort and joy
O tidings of comfort and joy
Let nothing you dismay
Remember, Christ, our Saviour
Was born on Christmas day
To save us all from Satan's power
When we were gone astray
O tidings of comfort and joy,
Comfort and joy
O tidings of comfort and joy
Have you ever really thought about the lyrics of this song? I hadn't until church this morning.
May you find your joy and rest in Jesus. Let nothing cause you dismay. Because Jesus is there for you. He was born for you. God sent a child - God sent His son - that we may have new life in Him. We can find peace in knowing that God is there for us, no matter what comes our way. Satan has no power over us, as long as we are placing our faith in God alone. All we like sheep have gone astray, but God is our shepherd. And He is there to bring us back. With comfort. With joy. With reassurance. With hope. In light of the Christmas season, let us be merry in Him. Life is a struggle, but He never lets us go.
I have been struggling to maintain control over my life lately. In light of finals, I have become overwhelmed with all the things I have to do. I cry for no reason. I feel like giving up. On top of that, there are all these other things clouding my mind: Pain, Confusion, Questions, Lack of Wisdom. Not only have I been battling with school but I have been battling with my emotions. Unfortunately, I have been trying to do handle it all on my own. And, as a result, I've been a mess. In the midst of the storm, I have been running away from God instead of recognizing that He is my strength in my weakness - if only I let Him. To let go of my pride, and to let God take control.
Let the holiday season be a reminder of who God is, what He has done for us. Seek Him boldy. Trust Him. Have faith that He has the answers. We are all thirsty - for God - the water of life. We all need to be reminded that we desparately need Jesus. In the midst of our struggle, we need to remember that nothing is too big for Him to handle. Don't tell God how big your storm is, tell your storm how big your God is. Fall in love with God. Trust Him with your life. Allow Him to make you whole again.
We all need reminders of who Jesus is. We all need reminders that we're not alone. I have been trying to handle everything on my own and today I am suddenly renewed with energy because of what the Father has done through me. I can rest in Him. I can find tidings of comfort and joy even when the waves of difficult circumstances are crashing around me, because I KNOW GOD. I just need to stop being afraid and have faith in God, even in light of the storm. He will calm the waters in His perfect timing, until then, we can find hope in His promises. That He will never let go.
Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
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