October 25, 2009

wrap your arms around me.

there have been a handful of moments in my life where i've fallen asleep next to a man, but i remember every one of them vividly: falling asleep next to someone i cared about deeply in that hotel room, still clothed. or the boy with the basement bedroom, only because it felt good to be wanted. drunken nights - crashing next to the friends, the interests, the unexplainable. or sleeping over for a few hours, not wanting to leave, just wanting to prolong the moment as long as we could... we all always have an excuse to get closer. to be closer.

there is something comforting about another person next to you in the dark, skin on skin, hands clasped together. the faint breath against your neck. knowing you are not alone. fingertips making their way across your body. soft kisses on your cheek. feet on feet, making each other warm. those arms telling you without words, that you're safe. no one is going to harm you. here in this bed, in this moment, someone cares. or perhaps not even touching, but just lying next to someone. and knowing that inches away from you lies another human being. and somehow, you're connected, even if not by a physical touch. you are together in this moment. and you fall asleep knowing that you are not alone.

looking back now, i recall how safe i felt during those times. and in one of those moments, i realized something. this is how it is supposed to be. spending your life next to someone night after night, the comfort of lying there side by side. when someone really cares about you, loves you, they will want to spend all of thier nights holding you. end all of their days with you in their arms. and i can't wait for that. to fall asleep knowing the person next to me isn't going anywhere. and that when morning comes, it will be another beginning to a day that will end just the same...

everyone needs someone. as strong as we like to pretend we are, and as much as we brag that single is the way to go, deep down we still all want someone. that is how we were created. woman from man. woman for man. together creating a perfect union. we weren't meant to be alone. and so deep within us there is this longing, this calling, to find someone. someone to hold us in the dark. night after night. to be there at the end of the day. and so, perhaps a lot of us are still waiting for the "one". but that doesn't mean we don't have needs, or desires. i lied before... when i said love was not necessary to survive. everyone needs love. "all we need is love". unconditional love. and until we find that... maybe, someone next to us to let us know its going to be okay every now and then, that we are not alone.


Stephanie said...

ah, i want that feeling of someone wrapping their arms around me and just holding me.
<3 you.

Stephanie said...

ok i read the rest of it. and you are right on. props my love.