April 07, 2010

Be Thou My Vision.

Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart,
all else but naught to me, save that thou art;
thou my best thought by the day by night,
waking and sleeping, thy presence my light.

Sometimes you can just feel it. The presence of God. The continuing prick on your heart - the prick that causes you to question, to wonder, to desire to fall deeper and deeper in Love with Him. I have been feeling God a lot lately... I have been yearning for Him... and, it never ceases to amaze what He puts in front of me. In my Art of Persuasion class we have been talking about absolute truths. The general consensus of my very liberal class of peers is that - there are no abslolute truths. Today, we even ventured so far as to talk about God. And my teacher posed this question: If there are no absolutes, what's the point? As I'm sitting there thinking - There is no point, one of my peers raised her hand and said this:

"I used to go to church. I used to believe in God.
Until I came to college and realized that what I believed was false.
And, at first it was disheartening, but eventually I got over it.
I'm still alive. When I wake up in the morning, it doesn't matter
if Jesus loves me. It doesn't matter. Because I'm still
responsible of getting out of bed. I'm not going to keep my job
just because Jesus loves me. That's on me."

I can't even explain the immediate rush of emotion that came over me. It was like I had been personally attacked. My God, My Jesus - the one I loved so much, reduced to no significance. In the same breath, I wanted to cry. For this girl. For the corruption of the education system and the people who conduct it. Who has the right to dismantle someone's beliefs? Who has the right to tell a student what is and isn't true? How can a student walk into a classroom believing in God and come out not believing at all? My teacher also spoke to that. She said it's something that happens a lot. It's hard to teach these concepts because students are subject to become depressed. They believe something their whole life, and the academy rips that apart. The solution: Well, at first it sucks. But, eventually you get over it. You realize there is still meaning out there somewhere - and you're responsible for finding it.

Maybe, I just don't understand. I have believed in God my whole life. But, that doesn't mean I haven't gone through periods of my life where I put Him on the shelf. Where I believe that I could do it on my own. I could find significance on my own. I could make my own decisions. I could follow my own plan. And, it would all turn out okay. Because, I was in control. Let me tell you - Those were some dark days. Sure, they were fun. But, they were very irresponsible and careless. At the end of the day, when your plan falls apart, where do you run to? If you don't have the answers and if your friends don't have the answers, who does? It's terrifying to walk alone and wake up one day and realize that you have absolutely no clue what you're doing.

I run back to God because He does love me. He loves me and that gives me a reason to hold onto Hope. If I didn't believe in God... I don't believe I would be here. We all need to know there something outside ourselves that gives us significance right? If there are no absolute truths, than where does that leave us... where does that leave our world... where does that leave our future... It's scary to think about. If there is no purpose, if there is no recognized truth, than why are we even here?

"There is no question that a part of what we believe as Christians is that Jesus was in fact God. We cling to this TRUTH, we cling to that which we do not understand... and, as Jesus looks across the social landscape into [our] fear-filled eyes, He does not offer a formula that will help us win the game. He offers Himself... If there is any hope for you and me, for this planet kelter in the fifteen-billion lightyear expanse of endless, the hope would have to be in this MAN who contends HE is not of us, but WITH us, and simply IS. I AM WHO I AM."

If not God, than what. If not Hope, than what. If not truth, than what. If not love, than what. If not answers, than what. I may not understand God. I may not be able to explain the Bible, or all His promises, or all His teachings. I may not understand how God is who He is. But believing in Him, and accepting the unanswered for questions for what they are in hopes of having someone to hold onto who will always love me, and who will always be there, someone who fulfills His promises, someone who forgives me, someone who tells me I am significant - well, that seems a lot better than believing in nothing at all.


Jill said...

It hurt me too when people would talk in class about how God was nothing and ask how anyone could believe in him. I believe that the unbelief of others gives us a chance to witness. Even if we just live our lives as Christians, others will notice and say, hey, she's different, what is it about her that makes her always happy, etc. God has been there for me always and has definitely answered some of my prayers if he willed it. I have felt God stronly several times during my life-especially at the ocean and sunsets and at a camp I went to that was on a beautiful mountain. I want others to believe what I believe. I get sad thinking about my friends who don't.

Tabs the NPC said...

Gosh can I ever relate. I'm actually in the middle of going through a similar situation with a good friend of mine.

I suppose the one statement is true, that to completely stop believing, to walk away and claim it was all false, you never really believed in the first place. But, I don't understand how one can bear witness to all that God is, all that He can do, and then attribute it to an over-active imagination.

I can't imagine my life without God. As I seek to fall more and more in love with Him, and let Him lead me, I see things in the world that I never saw when I didn't believe. But more than that, I can see His hand gently guiding me throughout my whole life. I can't imagine life without Him, because He is everything.

It makes me want to cry thinking about how far away the world has run from God, and how much farther the world keeps running.

Anonymous said...

It's difficult when you're sitting in class among non-believers and someone diminishes the importance of something that is so great to you. I know the feeling.
This post is well written. I enjoyed it. Adding you to my reader :)

Kari Ann said...

Thank you all for sharing! It's nice to know that people experience these kinds of situations every day... and that it's just another reason to hold on to God, to live for Him, and to try and shine that light towards other people :)