June 17, 2010

it's not enough to say we're okay.

Vulnerability is a threatening concept. To be open and real, willing to expose your deepest struggles, your deepest scars, your deepest desires. Floating along the surface is safer. To conform to who people think you are, or who they want you to be. To converse without touching the hidden parts of who you are. To form relationships based on superficial characteristics. No one wants to be vulnerable. To be vulnerable risks hurt. Risks rejection. Risks judgement. Risks the formation of more scars. Risks irreparable damage. It would be easier to let go and forget. It would be easier to pretend everything is okay. It would be easy to stop letting people in. It would be easier to stop feeling anything for anyone... easier to stop trusting and simply, being. Who needs depth? Someone always gets hurt. People always leave. People always let you down.

But it is not enough to say that you're okay. It's not enough to pretend your life is great. It is not enough to go around with a smile and never expose all the things deep within yourself. You're not only cheating others out of discovering who you really are - you're cheating yourself out of a chance to discover yourself. Interaction with others not only teaches you things about other people but teaches you things about yourself. You have to speak in order to be heard. You have to speak in order to find out how strong your voice really is. It is okay to share the good. But, it is essential to share the bad. To expose your emotions instead of keeping them bottled up inside. It is necessary to say out loud that you have been hurt. That you have been used. That you have been rejected. That is how healing happens... exposing the dark parts of yourself to the world and letting light in. Knowing you are not alone. You are never alone. Some may let you down. Some may make promises they can't keep. Some may take your heart and then break it. But, some... love you. Want to love you. Want to know you. Want to hear everything about you and be there to catch your fall.

Allow yourself to be vulnerable. It's true - people are going to disappoint you. That's fine. You're going to disappoint people. There is no way you can please everyone. There is no way that people can cater to what you want. We are all human. We are going to mess-up. It's about discerning which relationships are worth taking the risk. To trust. To share. To heal. Invest your heart and your time in the people who mean something to you... even if they don't always respond... fight for the relationships you need. The ones who encourage you. The ones who make you laugh. The ones who would do anything for you. The ones who you trust enough to be vulnerable. Because, vulnerability is scary, but it is necessary. You can't love without honesty. You can't bond without touching the deepest parts.

Don't just say you're 'okay'. Let someone in.

1 comment:

Tabs the NPC said...

This is something I definitely struggle with.

I don't talk to people. Especially about how I feel. I'm happier not having friends, because it means no drama, no feelings, no talking.

It's something I'm working on. Vulnerability isn't really in my vocab, because it has always meant putting myself in a position to be walked all over. False friends who use me and drop me when I can't give them what they want anymore.

I struggle being vulnerable with God, because I've beaten it out of my system. And though I try, I know more often than not, I still end up not really being open with him.