September 07, 2010

this is morning.

I normally wake up at the last possible minute, so as not to give up any of my precious sleep time. I swear I could sleep all day... nestled in the warm little corner of my bed, the beep of my alarm clock is like a wake-up call to reality that I don't want to answer. But, I decided to do things differently this morning. Wake up a little earlier. And instead of rushing to get coffee from Starbucks on the way to class, I made my own. And now I have a half hour to spare and I am sitting upright in my cozy little bed, large cup of coffee in hand and raisin toast by my side. I've said it all before, but I'll say it again. Life is about the little things. Moments like these. Enjoying a few simplicities of life, and just taking the time to breathe. I've been trying to do that a lot lately. Just breathe. Always, breathe.

There are always obligations - assignments and things you should be doing, things you could be doing, but in reality, they always get done. Even if it is at the last minute, even if they don't get done ahead of time. I'm going to be responsible but I'm also going to live my life and enjoy it. It's my last year of college. Reality check! And more than just the potential of a real job and "growing up" - moving away to wherever that may entail, I realize the end of something else is drawing near. More than just the end of my days in the education system. This is my last year to enjoy the college life - living with other people, doing random things at the spur of the moment, staying up too late and sleeping in too late, just because you can. Ordering pizza at ten. Running to get a movie when homework should be done. Going out and acting crazy. Because, you're a student, and it's not time to grow up yet. At least - not completely.

I love my friends. Already in the past three weeks I have been realizing how amazing God is by placing me here. I can't imagine still being in Mankato, Minnesota. Sure - there are people I miss, certain aspects. But, on a whole, nothing like it is here. My friends are amazing people. I am so blessed to have met godly Christian girls who can share in the serious things of life, and at the same time, are up for being a little irresponsible from time to time. And everything is so close! This weekend we went to Fort Collins two nights in a row. And then, Sunday, when I should have been doing my homework - my roomie Ruth and I hopped in the car and headed to Boulder for a hike. How awesome is that!? Mountains to climb less than an hour away. I'm in love. : )

And so I sit here, now enjoying my second cup of coffee, and thanking God for all the blessings He has given me. With my eyes set on Him, I am ready to see what this year has in store, as well as, where I will be heading in the future. I am blessed. I am happy. I am a child of God. And starting more often - I'm going to try and enjoy what the mornings have to bring!

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