And now, from what I have gathered, in the acceptance of this award I must tell you seven THINGS about myself. Oh boy oh boy. I never know what to say but I will do my best!
- My significance is found through Jesus Christ. I have nothing and I am nothing without God. I am who I am because of what God has done in me and through me. I still have a lot to learn, but, thankfully, God is a very patient teacher. I am excited to see my life unfold according to His perfect plan. In light of all the questions, I have hope that He knows better than I will ever imagine.
- I love tuna. I probably eat tuna at least three times a week. This is a problem. Tuna has a lot of mercury. I have known for awhile that you can't eat tuna when you're pregnant but I was told by my doctor this weekend that you can't even have tuna a year before you want to get pregnant. Note: I don't plan on getting pregnant anytime soon, but I feel like it will take more than a year to cleanse all the mercury from my body.... I want to have children someday. I just love tuna.
- I wish I had more time to do all the things I like to do "for fun." Some call them hobbies or interests. I wish I had whole days to devote to each one. Scrapbooking. Taking pictures. Playing guitar. Painting. Playing piano. Reading. I want to do these things and so much more! Like rock climbing... I actually am taking a class this semester to guarantee it gets done. Pathetic.
- The only kind of sheets I own and the only kind of sheets I sleep in (obviously) are Jersey Sheets. If you haven't tried them, go buy yourself a set. It's like sleeping in your favorite worn t-shirt... Comfortable and comforting. I also prefer it extremely cold when I sleep. I like burying myself under blankets.
- I love journals without lines. The last journal I had was the first journal I had without lines and I fell in love. I enjoy the freedom of blank pages. Those pages are my canvas and my words are my paint. Color the world the way you want. Make your own lines.
- I have absolutely no idea what I am going to do when I graduate (in two months). And I am completely okay with that. The world pushes you in a direction your entire life and requires you to follow in a series of steps. I think it's worth taking time to figure out what you really want -- where your heart lies, where God wants you. This is a time for independence, and I'm going to embrace it.
- I hate washing dishes. When I was in high school, our dishwasher broke. My mother was one who found washing dishes "relaxing" so she didn't bother to get it fixed for a couple years. My brother and I became the new dishwashers. I think I have resented it ever since. Plus, I think its gross -- especially like greasy pans with all that food stuck to it that won't come off. Yuck. Give me any other chore and I will be happy to oblige. Leave the dishes to the real dishwasher. You know, the one that comes with a start button.
i hate dishwasing with a passion too! haha. enjoyed reading this post and getting to know you better. :)
Ha glad to know I'm not the only one! And thanks! : )
Haha! Ohhh Kar! Better cut back on that tuna ;) . I am only half way through my current journal, but I am a journalaholic and I have already bought my next one...without lines! I was a little worried but now I am excited! I <3 jersey sheets too, esp in the winter bc they are so warm! love you bunches and bunches, you are SO talented!
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