January 16, 2007


The orange and purple sunset peaks over the valley and blurs together forming clouds on the hillside. The sun is setting, closing yet another day, and at the same time bringing in a new star filled night. I gaze up into the sky with my head buried into my knees, allowing only my eyes to peak above. I stare off into the distance as if the sky holds some hidden message, some answer that I have been waiting to find for all these years. Soon the sky is completely black, the sun is gone and now all my eyes see are stars. Suddenly a shooting star scraps the blackness and just like a child I wish upon it; closing my eyes and searching into myself for the one thing I wish would come true. What happens when you don’t know what you wish for? Do those wishes still come true or do undecided dreams hold no promise… Who can continue on when they know not what they are striving for? It’s hard to be undecided, unmoved, unchanged, unwilling to make yourself see what is around you and notice things that should maybe mean something… but somewhere along the line they have lost all hope for ever taking a place in your heart. “When you wish upon a star…” it’s comforting to believe that they take a hold of your soul and make its deepest wishes come true. If only happiness was found that easily: Wrapped up in sunsets and shooting stars.

[written on March 30th, 2005]

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