January 08, 2007


In life, you have to do a lot of waiting. When you're younger you wait for that new toy, you wait to grow up, you wait for that first kiss... And then things change and waiting gets more and more frustrating. How long are you going to have to wait until you know what college you want to go to? Or how long until you finally find yourself in a a good relationship? Let alone a relationship at all.
Life is full of waiting. Waiting to see what happens next, who is going to dissapoint you, who is going to be there for you when you need it the most. Honestly... waiting sucks. People always say its worth it... one of these days down the road all that lonely time you spent waiting is going to pay off. Just wait, because something better is around the corner...
How do you believe that?? How can you?
Life is full of waiting and hurrying up what happens next isn't in our control.

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