November 10, 2010

sleepless nights.

Somewhere between awake and dreams I hear your voice like a cascade into the silence - a soundtrack to the restlessnes I can't combat. It quiets the fight, but it can't win.

Where do tired eyes find rest? Beneath the shutters of skin it is dark, but they still see. An aching body burrows beneath blankets and nestles within the worn mattress fold. You can lie still but that doesn't mean stopping motion will stop the mind - thoughts play out like a movie scene. Where are the choices you should have made? Where are your regrets? Where are your fears? They are here, in bed with you.

Climb the mountain that separates the insomnia and the sanity.

Tell the night to back down. To simply, be. Give up the fight and lay still.

The imagination is allowed to run wild, but what will it find? I have found nighttime revelations subject to envoke terror and harm - to bring the tears once again. This is not a time for nightmares, this is a time for dreams. The mind must be stronger than the fear.

Then, perhaps here, I will find those arms that pull me in - holding me until I fade. They can't fight the night, but in this battle tonight, they are the only weapon I need.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw this is really good kar! I like it a lot. Fav part is probably about the "where are the choices you should have made, your regrets? they are here, in bed with you." Great writting!