January 17, 2007


there is a girl. the keyboard in front of her is her means of escape. the screen displays her anguish. her fingers can't seem to type fast enough. the music plays softly in the background. no happy chords are struck. slowly... it begins. starting with the thoughts in her head, growing as the tears fall, and as the words appear... a sort of comfort is given. it is as if all her emotions are pouring out of her in every possible way. and she does not want it to stop. here, as she sits staring at the screen... she is in control. life is so confusing. she can't seem to grasp why she has been asked to endure so much. is there never an end? or rather, what is her limit? she's not as strong as she appears. no one seems to know. its her own secret. hidden by the smile. disguised by the laughter. her lips give nothing away. not even a kiss. her heart: a gift... without a recipient. so she continues to wait. an action that has become a part of her. a part of her she wishes would leave. but it never does... it only brings more feelings with it. rejection. pain. confusion. dissapointment. hopelessness... oh yes. the keyboard gives her control. for those few moments she is alone in a world only she knows. consisting of her thoughts, dreams, wishes, and emotions. the things only she can understand. or at least attempt to. there is not always an answer for the questions that torment her mind. hour by hour, day by day, week by week, month by month... year after year. she probably will never know. yet someday. she will stop wondering. because someday. someone will give her a great reason to give away her gift. and then the waiting will be over. and maybe that day. someday. she will sit down at her computer. fingers resting on the keyboard. and simply type the words.
someone loves me.

1 comment:

Mitch said...

VERY good words, put together well, i love it!