October 31, 2006

Power of the Imagination

She likes to play make-believe. She likes to use her imagination. She likes to leave the world around her and disappear... to a place where she's safe, a place where she's loved, a place where she matters. Here, in the place no one else knows, she is happy. She smiles and laughter is frequent. No tears, no broken heart, no pain, no bruises upon her skin. Here, she doesn't worry about harsh words being hurled at her like darts. Yes, she has become rather good at leaving the world around her when things become un-bearable. It is the only way she will survive. When she returns to the real world, she usually returns with bruises she didn't have before, and dried blood here and there... but at least she is alive. Slowly, and carefully she will get on her feet and back her way to the bathroom. As she cleans herself up she pretends she has just finished a great battle, as a warrior princess, and has protected many. Yes, she likes to play make-believe. She likes to use her imagination. It is the only way she can survive.