July 22, 2009

be bold, jump in the cold water.

"what if it turns out that life isn't defined by who you belong to or where you came from, by what you wished for or whom you've lost, but instead by the moments you spend getting from each of these places to the next?"

there are moments that define who you are. experiences that wouldn't be the same had they been shared with an alternate group of people. decisions that influence your life - that take you in a completely different direction from where you had previously been. every breathe. every word. every choice. every person. every day. and step by step you are changing, learning, growing. defining moments of your life. putting away memories that will last a lifetime. and at the same time, letting little things pass you by...

sometimes i just wish i could replay things and take a deeper look. let me paint a scenario for you:

walking down the bike path at eleven o'clock at night, instead of just simply walking - maybe just stop. look up. appreciate the stars. take a second and say thank you. or maybe just breathe it in - the cool night air and the scent of summer. the way it feels on your exposed skin, shaven legs and bare arms. how you can take off your shoes and the cement feels good beneath your feet. how summer is a time for adventures. for doing things you shouldn't, or perhaps, you should.

friends gather together, for a multitude of activities propelled by our curiosty, our sense of adventure, and our longing to do things out of the ordinary. for example, sneaking into one of the neighborhood pools. and while the task itself is rather simple, to make it into a sort of secret mission is what makes it an adventure: sprinting down the sidewalk, shed from clothes... swimsuits and shorts alone remain. creeping into the overgrown grass, you wait. for the perfect moment. the chance to break in. to go beyond the fences put up to keep people out after hours. huddled with friends, you wait. for the signal. and then run, once again. bare legs scratching against worn wood. knees caught on edges. all the while trying to stay silent. once over the countdown begins. and then running continues, followed by jumping, and diving into the pool like school kids trying to get outside at recess. the water is warm. refreshing. faces surface with smiles and laughter. innocent rebellion. pure enjoyment. and the boys will be boys - creating a few more large splashes before the freedom in the pool has expired. and then once again the chase is on, from who there never will be an answer. only the thrill of knowing that you could be caught. might be caught. and so to not waste any time - instead to just run. cold air now chilling beneath the skin, but the adrenaline warming the body right back up again. a pattern of wet footprints scattered across the pavement... a path to the guilty, but only briefly as the warm summer air dries moments later. the adventure has gone without flaw. a checkmark to one of the many "must-do's" of the summer. and as it comes to a close, you have to stop and take a breathe...

these are the moments worth fighting for. random experiences with those you are comfortable with. people who are down for anything. for living in the moment. for not being afraid to say yes. its easy to back away, to hide from the what-if's. but it takes greater character to stand up and follow through. my friends don't back down. and that is why i love them. that is why summer is a time for breathing in deep, diving in, and never looking back. because once a moment passes, you never get it back. no regrets. just living life for all its worth.

July 14, 2009

rain on me.

"people often tell you to dance in the rain. but, i prefer to run. something about the rain soaking through my clothes, dripping down my face, makes me feel refreshed. pushes me to run faster. allows me to appreciate God and the beauty of His creation. as the rain washes over me and my feet run against the pavement, i am surrounded with a sense of peace. and suddenly the world is right." - me.

last night, me and my friend brooke went for a trail run. even before we started the clouds were looking pretty dark, and it was thundering. half of the run was amidst a lot of trees, and not long after we got out into the open it just started pouring. as we were getting soaked brooke just yelled, "thank you God! you are so amazing!" and in that moment i really just felt God's presence around us. just acknowledging that He was the one that was making it rain, He was the one responsible for all the beauty around us. we both openly felt the same way. and so we spent the next few moments just really talking about God and how we were doing. it was like the rain gave us an opening to just talk about how we were doing. honestly, we were both pretty frustrated.

its easy to criticize for the things that don't go the way you want them to. to get upset over little things. to get angry for no reason. to not appreciate all the things God does give you, because you are too caught up in all your own crap to focus on all the things you have been given. i find myself getting upset over little things like friends not calling, or this or that and not giving thanks for the friends i have. the blessings God has given me. my family. the list goes on and on. and also, the other night i was praying for my friend mat who went in to have his heart looked at... and i just felt like i shouldn't even be praying because i hadn't even made time for God on a day to day basis for just the two of us. i felt like i shouldn't be asking for things when i haven't even putting God anywhere close to first in my life lately.

so brooke and i had a really great talk, as we enjoyed the rain soaking us to the core. and when we finished running we sat together and just prayed. it was just a really amazing thing to be able to fellowship doing something i really enjoy. running alone allows me to get rid of a lot of stress and focus on things, and combining that with good christian fellowship and focus on the One who brought us together. the whole experience was just really encouraging, and gave me a little bit more hope than i have had lately. :) amazing how God uses the little things to lift us up. i am so grateful for that.