April 25, 2011

A Quick Update.

Dear Friends,
Perhaps you have been wondering where I've been. Perhaps not. Either way, I am here to give you a quick update on my life. I have missed you all greatly! I have been wanting to blog so bad. My computer crashed two weeks ago, however, so I have not had the means by which to do so. I have not forgotten about you. Just the only time I am near a computer is when I am engrossed in the library - working on schoolwork. I graduate in less than two weeks. Life is insane. I have checked out mentally from school, yet still have tons to accomplish. I barely have time to write for fun, and when I do, it is stolen moments in my journal during classes. I am ready for life to slow down, for summer to come, and to reconnect with all of you find people and your lovely blogs. I have not only been a bad blogger lately; I have been a bad follower. I apologize.

In terms of my future, I thought I had it all figured out. Isn't that the way it works? You have your life the way you think you want it and then your whole world turns upside down. God has been rocking my world lately - placing people and situations in my path that have made me stop and question what it is I really do want. More accurately, what it is that He wants for me. I was planning on going home this summer. I had even started packing last week. And in a matter of days, I felt like God was pulling on my heart. It's still up in the air but it is looking as if I may be spending a few more months in Colorado - starting with the summer. I will keep you updated. But as someone recently told me, even staying here can be a new chapter if that is God's plan - spiritually as well as socially.

I am trying to trust completely. To push my desires and hesitations aside and trust that God will provide a means to stay if this is where He wants me. For we all know - He knows what is best and His plans are far greater than anything we could ever imagine. Falling on my knees, I am offering Him my future. I will be waiting patiently to see where He leads me. Graduation is a huge step in its own right, and its scary not knowing what to do next. Our entire lives are founded on the principle of school - its all we know and then, one day, it all ends. Some people know for sure what that next step is, others of us may spend several years trying to figure it out. All I know is that its a step of faith. I may not know, but God always does - He always will.

I hope to be back to my regular postings sooner than later. Until then, be blessed. Be encouraged. Have faith in God's greater plan. Don't give up hope. Pray without ceasing. Trust, even when you're unsure what it is you're trusting Him to do. God will supply all your needs, according to His purpose and His glory.

Love you all.

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