May 31, 2007

the end of a long chapter

it is something you think about for years, something you think will never come...
graduating from high school. and then one day, its within your sight and suddenly there is a mix of emotions. the excitement and anticipation you've felt for so long is now mixed with sadness and moments you will never have again.

things are about to change. my life will never be the same. i will never walk down the halls of my high school again, seeing familiar faces, and faces i've seen time and time again but don't really know. the classrooms i've been in for the last four years, the teachers i've gotten to know... will no longer be a part of my daily routine. the parties on the weekends with the people i've known for years... and those i just started to talk to will be soon gone. we will never again have a "senior party" with all of our closest friends.

its just weird. i'm so excited to go to college. to be rid of the high school bullshit and the drama. to be able to meet new people and have some control over who i want to see on a daily basis. to start a new experience and continue to grow up and become my own person. but its just one of those bittersweet experiences that is hard to explain, and hard to decipher how i feel about it. i'm very happy and sad at the same time and its just so stressful!!

well we'll see what the future brings... hopefully its good. :)

1 comment:

Lilith said...

firstly, congrats! now, you are going to love college. yeah its kind of sad to leave high school but with that your going to be stepping away from the drama as well. i'm totally hyper-organized and typed a list last year of stuff to bring for my dorm...if you want it let me know and ill email it over. try target though for dorm stuff. AIM me anytime girl if you need to chat/destress/vent (renegadexfaerie). i was in your place last year and, hey, i'm still alive. xxox lovley.