March 30, 2008


John 14:27 - "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do no be afraid."

I think its easy to get distracted by what the world says, by what your friends say, and the lies that we hear day after day. I think thats why having a relationship with God is so hard, and at the same time so rewarding. When I really listen, and dig into His word, I feel so encouraged... but when I'm in the midst of the chaos of the world its really easy to let things get to me and get down on myself. Its hard to hear God among the sin, among the desires of the world - and what it tells you.
Right now, I just feel kind of discouraged, and I really can't explain why. Because seriously - things have been going great! I continue to feel encouraged, and I feel myself growing closer and closer to God and learning new things... but I don't know. Tonight for some reason, is just one of those nights where I'm not really sure where I'm at, or what I'm supposed to be doing. I just feel kinda lost at the moment, and I really can't even explain it.
I'm just clinging on to God's word... and today in my one of a couple quiet times (cuz I seem to need God a lot today lol) I found Psalm 119: 147 - My hope is based on your word. And idk that just really hit me, that we have to have hope before we can have anything else. Courage, strength, and faith are nothing without hope. We have to have hope in God's word and His promises - and more than that His perfect plan.
I guess thats what I need right now, hope and peace. (which explains the verse at the beginning of this blog). I need to just be still, and know that the Lord will take care of everything. God is the light in the darkened world - in Him I can have hope, and I can have peace. I just need to let him take control of my heart, and let Him carry out His will. Sometimes its just hard to see what that is, and I let myself get discouraged. But those verses just really helped me today, and I don't know - I just really needed to write about it.

Peace, Hope, and Love. Sounds like some cheesy quote, but not when you say: God gives us peace, God allows to have hope, and God showers us with love. I know I definitely need all those things, and I'm going to keep on clinging to Him... in every situation, in everything I do. Keep clinging, and keep on praying. For He knows my heart, and its desires - and I know He has an amazing plan for me. :)

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