April 01, 2008

my life belongs to God

"If I cannot obey God's love, I cannot love Him in return, and I cannot obey Him. Self-discipline will never make us feel righteous or clean; accepting God's love will. The ability to accept God's unconditional grace and ferocious love is all the fuel we need to obey Him in return. God woos us with kindness, He changes our character with passion of His love." - Blue Like Jazz

My life belongs to God. It is His, and His plan for it is greater than anything I can imagine. Accepting God's love and grace is such a big part of giving my life over to Him. It seems like such a simple concept, but really I think sometimes it is one of the hardest things to comprehend. We are prone to sin, we are destined to screw up, and we are going to dissapoint God. The amazing thing, is that He forgives, and continues to love us unconditionally.

I think at times I don't feel worthy of that forgiveness. Like really Lord, how the heck can you forgive me for that? Don't you realize what I did? like HELLO God - I just really messed up... why do You still want me? Why do You still want to claim me as Yours? Not so much now, but with a lot of things in my past... I used to have a really hard time accepting His grace because I hadn't given those things over to Him. I hadn't forgiven myself and I couldn't let them go.

I can't even explain how amazing it is to finally give all that over to God and just say - Okay Lord, these things are Yours - I'm giving you full control. God's love can cover any pain, any hurt, any emptiness that is evident in our lives. Without God I would not have found peace in a lot of situations. With all the things I went through during my depression, the countless times I let pieces of my purity slip away into hands who really didn't care about what they were taking, and most recently - the fact that I lost an extremely important person in my life...

God heals and restores. Thats what His love is all about. Taking the things in our lives that bring us pain and replacing them with peace, with hope, and with love. And we're going to mess up. We would be foolish to think that we can please God by our actions - you will most certainly fail. We have to let go of our own wants and desires and let the Lord take control. I promise you will be amazed - I promise He will work in your life, I promise He will work things out perfectly. Stop following the world, and start falling the One who created you - created you inside your mothers womb, who knows you full well - everything about you, you wants, your desires, how many hairs are on your head. He is always there - everywhere we go, He is never far away - He's right there.

Galations 2:20 - "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me!"

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