January 27, 2009

when you can't sleep - blog.

so i was seriously so tired while doing my homework that i couldn't read anymore so i turned on the tv... then i was so tired watching tv (my eyes kept closing) that i decided i should go to bed... that was an hour ago. after frustratingly tossing and turning, i am now so angry and wide-awake that i decided i would make use of my time and perhaps write a thing or two...

i would like to believe that one day we will all wake up with the answer we've been looking for.
i would like to believe that one day the good girls will finally find their soulmates (myself included).
i would like to believe that one day we really will take the bad things with grace and open minds.

the world is never going to make sense, not as whole. some parts might on one day or another, but we will never be able to understand everything. sometimes this is a hard concept to grasp, because i'm one of those people who wants answers - who hates leaving things things unresolved. when i get in an argument, i have to fix it or else i am not the happiest person to be around. sometimes i think i care too much, that i let things get to me too much. i feel so deeply about things, that i am moved to tears over the littlest things. a quote in a novel for instance. [i apologize now for the inconsistency of this post, and the rambling fashion it follows. i am sleep-deprived and my thoughts are jumbled at the moment, so things are coming out in spurts.] every day is a new adventure, every moment we are given the opportunity to do something with our lives. we can choose to accept that gift whenever we are ready... i'm gonna stop over-analyzing things. looking into the future and speculating about what may or may not happen... stop hoping, or rather imagining a future that i really have no idea is even possible. i'm gonna try not to read into things so much until i really know where they are headed. i'm just going to go with it... let things happen as they come. and go from there. and i'm going to make the last few months in k-town as good as they possibly can be. i'm going to spend time with the people i'm going to miss, put everything into my school-work, and leave feeling accomplished and ready for the next adventure. [colorado?! wyoming!? we will see!] blah. okay. i need to stop. this is not worth anything lol. sorry for the lack of real depth on this one guys... better luck next time!

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