October 03, 2009

sweet relief.

can i just say, i love church. it seriously just makes my day... maybe its just recently, maybe the feeling will fade (i hope not), but recently i have really just felt challenged in church. and more than that, i have been dealing with things lately that i believe have been seperating me from being completely consumed with God. its hard to have an open and honest relationship with God when you're not being honest with yourself. if there are unresolved issues that you're not facing... that is going to seperate you from God. if you're refusing to forgive someone, or yourself... that is going to seperate you from God. if you're allowing things to be the center of your life that don't glorify God... yep, you guessed it, those things are going to seperate you from God. we're all guilty of doing it. because we're human. and things bother us. we are prideful and we have a hard time letting go. and we make mistakes. we are never going to be perfect. but it boils down to this - you have to be honest with God about your choices. about your hurt. about how you feel. its okay to feel angry, its okay to be upset, its okay to be confused, unsure, or hesitant. but you have to lay all those feelings before the Cross. you have to give them to God. because otherwise those feelings are just going to stay there... and nothing is going to come from it.

the message tonight was on forgiveness. pretty basic topic, right? i think i was taught how to forgive when i was very little... you know. someone takes a toy from you while you're playing and suddenly there is a dispute, but then its "i'm sorry." and "i forgive you." and everything is better again. well, as you grow up and situations become more complicated you realize there more beneath the surface, more that is contained in the undertones of those phrases... and sometimes we don't get an "i'm sorry". we don't get an apology. we don't get a recognition that we've been hurt. sometimes the people who hurt us are unaware of the damage they've done, or rather, don't care, or are too prideful to admit they were wrong. (yep, there comes that pride thing again... its a killer isn't it?) and when they happens we have the tendency to harbor those feelings. and inside this hate builds up. this anger. this desire to stay upset. and the only person that those feelings are hurting is ourselves...

one of the many things tonight that got to me was this:: "Jesus cancelled our debts, and forgave all of our sins... but when we don't forgive the people who have hurt us, we are putting ourself back into the bonds of sin. Forgiveness is not optional. If you want to experience God's forgiveness, you have to forgive." wow right? we have been given this free gift. God has said - "I love you, so I'm going to erase all the debt. I forgive you." and still we harbor this feelings of resentment, or hurt, towards other people because we are unwilling to forgive. more than that, for me, i think i just don't want to deal with things a lot of the time. its easier for me to just pretend to forget about things instead of facing how much they have affected me. how hurt i've been. i'm not going to go into specifics, but sitting there tonight i just felt a weight being lifted off my shoulders. in regards to something i have been dealing with for a long time, i finally was able to release some of that... to acknowledge all that pain. all that disspointment. all that hurt. all that embarassment. acknowledge it and let it go. and that doesn't mean i'm done dealing with it, but the key is to choose to forgive, over and over and over again. no matter how many times it takes.

God loves me. i know that. and in moments like these, when He speaks directly to my heart, i know that even more. He forgives me. He has given me a clean slate, again and again. He loves you too. and He has done the same for you. He is waiting for you to let Him in, deeper than you want. He's not a surface-level friend. He knows our heart, He knows our every thought, He knows our joys, and He knows our weaknesses. But its more than Him knowing, its telling Him. Its sharing. Its allowing Him to fill us. to be our most amazing friend, the One who will never hurt us. or cause us pain. :)

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