December 23, 2010

good tidings to all.

I took a longer break from this than I had anticipated. In summary, my trip to Arizona was AMAZING and since then I have traveled from Arizona back to Colorado and then back home to South Dakota. The last few days have been spent with my family, and it's been great.

But. For starters, I would like to thank Christine [] for giving me an award! From a relatively new blogging friend, and from what looks to be a relatively new blogger, Christine has amazing words of encouragement and I am blessed to have been given this award through her recent acquaintance. : )

Posts that come from the heart and soul : )

And then... five facts about me
1. I would much rather stay up late than get up early. Nighttime is prime for good conversation and relaxation. : )
2. I've messed up a lot in my lifetime, and I will do so many more times in my future. But I believe in the Lord Jesus with all my heart, and I know that no matter what He loves me. When the world seems dark, there is always a light.
3. I hate feet. Unless they are covered with socks, 95% of the time feet touching me give me the eebie jeebies.
4. I've experimented with almost every "natural" hair color. I don't know why but I find it fun to change it up from time to time. Currently, I'm a redhead : )
5. I love scrapbooking. I wish I had more time and money to do it more often. It's fun to take your photo memories and personalize them even more.

Now for five more deserving bloggers... I have a really hard time with this because I enjoy reading different blogs for different reasons and different people touch my heart day by day. But, check these ones out.

Lauren Nicole Love: Love Like a Child
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Dwelling in the House
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Relentlessly Real
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This Is the Day
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Waiting for Love
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God Bless You All!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw, you are quite welcome! You deserve it! And I can relate to pretty much all of your 5 things! Except feet don't freak me out thattt bad, and I also have never dyed my hair, so can't relate to that haha.