May 17, 2011

Psalm 103

Praise the Lord, my soul. Do not grow weary at the weight of life upon your shoulders. Do not hide yourself in the darkest places. You are not alone. You never have to be alone. Do not let the world entrap you with its lies. Do not wallow in the depths of the things you are missing. Instead, remember all the good He has done. There is a beautiful story waiting for you, if only you are willing to let go. Let go of every chain. Surrender it all to Him. Only then will His sacrifice be able to shine light into your dark places. Give up your life, and gain eternity. He forgives all your sins. He rescues your life from the pit. He crowns you with mercy and compassion. He fills your life with blessings so that you become young again like an eagle. Do you want to fly? Do you want to soar? Do you want to travel to unknown places and witness miracle? Do you want to be free? Then let the Lord in.

The Lord is compassionate, merciful, patient, and always ready to forgive. You are never without hope. You are never beyond redemption. You are never unworthy of love. You are never out of reach. The Lord is holding out His arms, simply waiting for you to come. He will wait as long as it takes. He is never far away. He looks to you like a Father looks at his child -- full of desire and promise, eager to protect, willing to aid you, to guide you. He wants to be your shelter. He wants to be your strength. He wants to be your source of fulfillment. He wants to give you comfort. Everything you've ever wanted can be yours. The emptiness can fade. The longing can subside. The brokenness can be healed. His compassion never ends. He will never let you go.

As high as the heaves are above the earth - that is how vast His mercy is toward those who fear Him. As far as the east is from the west - that is how far He has removed our rebellious acts from Himself. He covers you in His grace. He wipes away every sin. He dries every tear. Nothing is too great for Him to forgive. No pit is too deep for His rescue. Are you afraid - of not being good enough? Of not being deserving of His compassion? Of not having what it takes to be loved? Do not be afraid. He gives us everything simply because we choose Him, because He loved us first. Human life is as shot lived as grass. It blossoms like a flower in the field. When the wind blows over the flower, it disappears, and there is no longer any sign of it. Life on earth is short, but life with the Father is eternal. God is forever, as is His kingdom. If only we choose to follow Him.

His righteousness belongs... to those who are faithful to His promise, to those who remember to follow His guiding principles. His Kingdom is yours to be a part of if you choose Him. Surrender all, and gain eternity. Listen to His teachings. Seek counsel from His followers. Learn to walk with Him in everything that you do. Make your life a living sacrifice to His glory. You will never regret it. For God safeguards the steps of His faithful ones. He blesses those who put Him at the center of their lives. He will shower you will blessings you could never imagine. He will wreck your life, and put it back together -- to show you that He can make the broken things beautiful again. He will restore you. He will renew you. He will fill your heart with overflowing joy. Give it all over to Him and you will gain everything.

Praise the Lord, my soul. I have seen the light and am not turning back. I have been consumed with an unfathomable love. I have been restored by grace. I have been made new again. I have been covered by a mercy I don't deserve. I have experienced blessing upon blessing. I have been filled with joy. I have surrendered my earthly life. I have obeyed a King to inherit a Kingdom. I have fallen on my face, only to be picked back up again. Praise the Lord, my soul. I am not alone. I have a friend, and His name is Jesus. He has called me as His own.


Kat said...

Love, Love, LOVE this:-) thanks for posting!!

NNL said...

You are such an awesome minister. Let Him elevate you consistently elevate those around you. Thank you for this message of hope...

Right on time.

Kari Ann said...

It is God writing through me, and I love nothing more than knowing He is using me to touch the lives of others. May we all have hope in the work of His hands.

Thank you both for reading.