May 28, 2010


L. is for the way you leave pieces of yourself with people who care and people don't. Leave and let-go. Leave and look. What happens next? You leave. They take... (take and guard. Take and hurt. Take and forget. Take and love back.) You leave parts of who you are along the journey of life and pray to God that He shows you why... that someday you'll reach the end of the road and find that all those pieces are back again. In the arms, in the heart, in the reach of someone who leaves themselves in exchange. One day you'll wake up, and see the pieces of yourself in the eyes of the person looking back... and all the leaving will be okay. Letting go and letting it be the way it's supposed to be... Letting love find its way, no matter how long it takes. L is for leaping... and praying to land on your feet.

O. is for the way you open up your heart. O is for only. O is for opportunity. O is for one... One person who opens up in return. Who grasps the opportunity to love and takes it. Who leaps without looking back. There is only one. You are only one and there should only be one... always One. One God. One heart - given. One love. One commitment. One bond, that can't be broken. You have to open up your heart in order to love. You have to open it and take the risk that someone is going to love all of you. You have to open it and risk the hurt, risk the broken expectations... to feel. To be. To live. O is more than just opening up your heart, it is opening up your life... to take hold of an opportunity. To never be alone again.

V. is for valor (boldness and determination). The gumption to never quit. To never stop trying. Simply because, this love is worth it. This love is worth every sacrifice. Every battle. Every negative force that tells you it can't work out, every part of you that is saying not to try. V is for value. V represents more than just a feeling... it represents something that can't be lost. With it, without this, you would be lost. Without this, you would lose a part of yourself. V doesn't take no for an answer. V hangs on when the world is telling you to cave in. V pushes ahead when everything says there is no way. V says... I will give my life for this. for you. for love.

E. is for everything. Love means giving up pieces of your self, opening your heart, exercising determination, and vowing to love everything about the other. No matter what. No matter how irritating they can be. No matter how hard things get. No matter what the world throws at you. Love is about sacrifice. Love is about serving. Love is about kindness. and consideration. and honesty.... communication and constantly struggling to fall deeper and deeper. E is Everything. There is no 'if's' in love. There are no conditions. There are no 'but's'. Love is the attempt to love as God loves... through the way He designed it. through His plan... Take everything. Give everything. Wholeheartedly. Without ceasing. Forever.

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