January 12, 2010

we are the music.

"Memorize some bit of verse of truth or beauty. It may serve a turn in your life." Edgar Lee Masters

there it is. the edge of an open field merging into everlasting evergreens. it's as if one world ends and another begins in one motion, one step. yet, somehow they are linked. incomplete without the other caressing its bounds; feather upon body, sand against the sea, skin against skin. each world vastly incomprehensible to the other, yet somehow inclined to coexist. they combine, even if only for a few yards or miles or seconds... the way the end of each movement in a concerto seeps into the next - the chords echoing into space as new notes resonate, the instruments colliding to create melody and harmony - seperately, unprovoking... together, breathtaking. it's impossible to exist on opposite spectrums without sharing similarities with the contrapositions. the world was not created as individual parts meant to forge their way through space alone and untouched. there is a desire deep within, longing to be fulfilled: to feel the beauty the world has to offer. and that beauty can only be reached when each part, alone, is willing to fuse with another part. briefly, at first - testing the waters. taking one step in, ankle deep, wondering if the unknown is worth the risk. gradually, the water rises because the steps go further in. this is how a heart beats: risk. curiousity. feeling. emotion. all rolled into one and tossed into the world of chance. here is where the beauty lies. and when the breaking happens, tearing at the seams and destroying until the soul is almost irremediable - that is when the merging begins again. and the notes play softly for one another, finding their corresponding chords. and then, music happens. love happens. life happens.

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