January 17, 2010

welcome to america.

we make it an obsession, of sorts.
the constant concern of gaining,
while wide eye boys are gazing,
at bodies - never perfect, never right.
we fight to stay aboard the train.
of "look like this, and dress like that",
cut. and shave. and make. -up with
girls who feel just the same, care
about pleasing one thing. for this
is just the beginning of your life,
the call is out, this is only one night.
so eat your pizza. drink your beer.
slam the bathroom door, my dear.
pull your hair back, bend your knees,
this won't be as bad as it seems.
they say, it gets easier after time -
the feeling comes and you just know,
it looked better going down, but now
those handsome, slender, muscled boys
who oodle at your ass like a toy,
will take you home, wine and dine you
because your jeans, they say "size two".
and if one day, you find a boy who
loves you, even if, you've gained a few
or five, or ten, or more, well then -
call that boy a man and thank him.
pull him close, and slam the door,
bend your knees and climb aboard,
the train has come to leave behind,
those images of too skinny a size.

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