March 10, 2010

Word Collage?

She told me, it's like the first time you have sex. Awkward, but you get over it. And then you do it again. I wish I knew. Give me a simile I understand. Give me a statement worth remembering. Give me something real. Give me a reason to change my mind. I don't want to fuck shit over. We are always careful. Cautious. Worrisome. Taking extra precautions about what happens next. Why can't we just live, and let be? Failure is inevitable, but hidden underneath all the clouds of fear is the sunlight - trying to push through. Trying to make us believe again. Brighten, and color. Truth or dare. What scares you more, sharing your body or sharing your soul? It could be both. Someone could erase the fear. Someone could ease your hesitation. If I knew where they were, I would draw a map. I would plan, and pack, and drive. I wouldn't stop. I would just keep driving. Destination unknown. But if you never try you'll never know. The world traps us, keeps us in a box. Establishes misconceptions, makes us believe that the unnatural is "normal". And then we lose ourselves. We become a stereotype. [Dress like this. Act like that. Be skinny. Be muscular. Show emotion, but not too much. Cut your hair. Shop here. Eat here. Be different, but make sure that "different" is acceptable.] We go to extraordinary lengths for acceptance. The world pushes us down, and we let it. It doesn't feel remorse. It doesn't say: I want to apologize for being a dick the night I met you. (In other words, welcome to the world, just want you to know this is going to suck.) Where is the hope? Where is the joy? Where is the laughter? We miss it. We, purposely, let it pass us by. Consciously, or subconsciously, we ignore all the reminders that we're not alone. We were never alone. We will never have to be alone. Tell me that you'll open your eyes. Protest, now, if you must. Draw it out. Make excuses. Stay silent. Stay isolated. Just know, time doesn't last forever. And time, is often shorter than you envision it to be. People die. Everyday - car accidents, disease, murder, suicide, natural disasters, plane crashes. One split second, and its over. A warning sign, I missed the good part... and, I don't want to do it again.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

found your blog through the christain group at 20sb, my blog is the same idea as your's, enjoying what i have read so far