April 04, 2010

Crucified to Set Me Free.

My Child:

Be still, and know that I am God. Just breathe. Take it all in. Will you come with me? Will you follow me? Not just today. But every day - for the rest of your life. I want to be with you and in the world to come. I want you to be with me forever. Don't live life in fear. I have my hand on you. I stretched out my arms and I died for you. And, my arms are open again - waiting for you to run into them. I will hold you when the world goes dark. I will hold you when you lose hope. I will hold you when no one else will. Always, and forever. By grace you have been saved... all you have to do is believe. Have faith. I am offering you the greatest gift, and it's free. All you have to do is take it. All you have to do is accept it. I paid it all. I paid it for you. Because, I love you. Because, I forgive you.

You were once a beautiful rose. The world trampled you, and used you, and touched you... you lost your petals. You lost your scent. You lost your allure. But I can restore you. I can make you whole again. I want you. Never forget that. I am beckoning you. I am asking you to fall on your knees. Give me your pain. Give me your regrets. Give me your doubts. Give me your mistakes. Give me your questions. Give me your tears. Give me your anger. Give me your frustration. Give me all your baggage. I'll take it all. I'll lift the weight. I'll make you new again. All you have to do is ask. All you have to do is talk to me. All you have to do is believe.

You don't have to be lost any longer. I can make you whole again. I am calling you. Please don't refuse me. My heart aches to know you. To really know you. Let me in. Let me love you. Let me heal you. Let me lead you. Look inside your heart. I am here. And, I'm not going anywhere...

Love, Jesus

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