March 03, 2011

Thanks and Things.

First thing first! Many THANKS to Catepillar at Musings and Confessions of a Wandering Mind for bestowing me with the Stylish Blogger Award. I would be lying if I said that people reading and enjoying my blog isn't one of the things that make me smile brightest. :) I love this blogging forum and all the wonderful people and words it brings to my attention! We all have things to say and it is great to hear and to be heard. Thank you so much Catepillar for being an awesome blogging buddy. For the rest of you, I encourage you to click the link listed above.

And now, from what I have gathered, in the acceptance of this award I must tell you seven THINGS about myself. Oh boy oh boy. I never know what to say but I will do my best!
  1. My significance is found through Jesus Christ. I have nothing and I am nothing without God. I am who I am because of what God has done in me and through me. I still have a lot to learn, but, thankfully, God is a very patient teacher. I am excited to see my life unfold according to His perfect plan. In light of all the questions, I have hope that He knows better than I will ever imagine.
  2. I love tuna. I probably eat tuna at least three times a week. This is a problem. Tuna has a lot of mercury. I have known for awhile that you can't eat tuna when you're pregnant but I was told by my doctor this weekend that you can't even have tuna a year before you want to get pregnant. Note: I don't plan on getting pregnant anytime soon, but I feel like it will take more than a year to cleanse all the mercury from my body.... I want to have children someday. I just love tuna.
  3. I wish I had more time to do all the things I like to do "for fun." Some call them hobbies or interests. I wish I had whole days to devote to each one. Scrapbooking. Taking pictures. Playing guitar. Painting. Playing piano. Reading. I want to do these things and so much more! Like rock climbing... I actually am taking a class this semester to guarantee it gets done. Pathetic.
  4. The only kind of sheets I own and the only kind of sheets I sleep in (obviously) are Jersey Sheets. If you haven't tried them, go buy yourself a set. It's like sleeping in your favorite worn t-shirt... Comfortable and comforting. I also prefer it extremely cold when I sleep. I like burying myself under blankets.
  5. I love journals without lines. The last journal I had was the first journal I had without lines and I fell in love. I enjoy the freedom of blank pages. Those pages are my canvas and my words are my paint. Color the world the way you want. Make your own lines.
  6. I have absolutely no idea what I am going to do when I graduate (in two months). And I am completely okay with that. The world pushes you in a direction your entire life and requires you to follow in a series of steps. I think it's worth taking time to figure out what you really want -- where your heart lies, where God wants you. This is a time for independence, and I'm going to embrace it.
  7. I hate washing dishes. When I was in high school, our dishwasher broke. My mother was one who found washing dishes "relaxing" so she didn't bother to get it fixed for a couple years. My brother and I became the new dishwashers. I think I have resented it ever since. Plus, I think its gross -- especially like greasy pans with all that food stuck to it that won't come off. Yuck. Give me any other chore and I will be happy to oblige. Leave the dishes to the real dishwasher. You know, the one that comes with a start button.


Maria said...

i hate dishwasing with a passion too! haha. enjoyed reading this post and getting to know you better. :)

Kari Ann said...

Ha glad to know I'm not the only one! And thanks! : )

Anonymous said...

Haha! Ohhh Kar! Better cut back on that tuna ;) . I am only half way through my current journal, but I am a journalaholic and I have already bought my next one...without lines! I was a little worried but now I am excited! I <3 jersey sheets too, esp in the winter bc they are so warm! love you bunches and bunches, you are SO talented!